Tuesday, 12 May 2020

Nadi's birthday photos!

Nadi and her sister Nunu enjoyed eating M & M's on her birthday. They were having a race to see who could eat faster and Nadi won!


  1. Hey Nadi!
    Mmm, the M&M's must have been delicious. I wish I ate some. Thanks for dropping off some cake at our house!

    Happy 7th birthday, Nadi,

    Aye :)

  2. Hi Nadi,

    Happy Birthday! I hope you had a really lovely day! It looks like you are having FUN with your sister :)
    From Ms Davis

  3. Hi Nadi,
    Happy 7th Birthday for the 9th of May. Glad to see you had some fun with your sister. Can`t wait to see you next week :)
    From Mrs Forbes


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